Sav-A-Lot Surprises
Shopping at Sav-A-Lot may not be something that everyone does. I'm not sure why everyone wouldn't want to. Low prices, friendly staff, plenty of choices. It is almost like opening a portal into Narnia. Then there's this...the Sav-A-Lot branded line of items that defy logic and leave you with a sense of dread and joy. Pinching a penny has never been so unintentionally funny.
Care for some Mountain Holler? Mr. Sun is here, mouth half-cocked as if to say "Jigga whaaa...I gots some radical citrus flava heuah"
There's no better way to blow out your colon and have a tasty snack at the same time. Popcorn with Olestra. Butter Blowout - better grab a bag...and a towel!
Just one dollar? When you care enough to make sure planning a family is accurate, grab a U_Check. Our friendly emoticon will tell you if you should apply for WIC or party again like it's the day after!
More found Sav-A-Lot surprises here at my Flickr page.
oh my, this is hilarious! you know i'm a dollar tree kind of girl, but i'm going to make the trek to the sav-a-lot.
surely, kris-tae would shop at both...perhaps it'll help her break out a little more.
this is rich!!!
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