[V]hat back together again for one night only...again_____________________________________________ [V]hat comes undone as locals go crazy for more / new album cover on the right?
[V]hat makes a splash at local trattoria downtown Orlando on the night of June 20, 2005. Laughs, chitter, chatter, minimal autographs and lots of sauce ranging from white to pink to red. Betamike, seen mostly hogging the shots, tells the Skinny Tie Report that a possible album is in the works with the working title of "Britches"..."But probably not," he adds. "Anyway we still have a long way to go trying to work Mike B's oboe solo in there which is hella tricky." In the meantime [V]hat plans to tour locally in support of just plain being seen around town which hopefully will drum up some good PR. "Mostly antique malls and Hess stations, stuff like that" Betamike explains. "Plus some solo stuff. Like, we're all travelling around in Steph's mini right now so it's good to branch out. You know, get some space." Indeed.
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