Thursday, December 22, 2005

Betamike on NPR

A few weeks ago, Stephanie from All Shook Down had listed on her blog that NPR was looking for its listeners to write in with their suggestion for the top 10 CD's of 2005 and the reasons why. Okay, I didn't give it much thought but I listed my 10 top albums in hopes that I would have at least a pinkie on the pulse of the educated, well-listened types that I picture, like me, listen to NPR on a regular basis. On my drive home tonight I heard that they had released those very top 10 CD's of 2005 on their website. I was so curious that I called Stephanie up to tell her that the fruits of both her and my labor were ripe for the picking. Alas, it has been the case in most instances that we are but the general public and never the guy standing on the box in the middle of campus. By that, I mean to say that as much as we exclaim, no one ever listens to us.
Well, I'm excited to tell you that powers-that-be at NPR felt sorry for me enough to publish one of my choices on their NPR listener's Top 10 CD's list. Complete with comment! To be published on one of my favorite sites, NPR no less, is ... well, it's Christmas early. That's what it is.
And I got song #3! For writing in why I thought Death Cab For Cutie's "Plans" was one of the best albums of 2005. Sadly, I really wanted some of my other choices and the great philosophies behind them to be recognized (Arcade Fire's "Funeral" anyone!) but I'm not about to look a Terry Gross-horse in the mouth. Besides, All Songs Considered, they picked one of mine! Groan, sorry. Here's what I wrote:
"Plans is an album that I mention because it truly is a very well "planned" and pleasant album. I had not given Death Cab For Cutie much attention as they seemed to be the flavor of the week at one point this year. However, a careful listen to this album had me carrying those mental images and hooky harmonies with me constantly. I was a person haunted." - Michael
Okay, now that I look at it, I feel sort of embarassed. "I was a person haunted." That's what a 10th grader would write in a thesis. It feels kind of like hearing your voice on a tape recorder for the first time. Shudder. I just really didn't think anyone was going to actually listen to me and read it and take it to heart. And to be recognized for Death Cab and not say, the Faint entry I submitted, now there was something to read and weep.
Here's the link: All Songs Considered

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