Tilly and the Wall @ The Social
Tilly and the Wall blew into town this past week and I wasn't about to miss out on that shit. I mean, this is the concert equivalent of rock candy. Or Twizzlers!
I went to my first Tilly and the Wall show last year and absolutely fell in love. As a person with mild synesthesia, I can only describe their show as flashes of hot pink, neon green, fishnets, tutus and ... tap dancing! wha..whaaaa?! Yes, peppered through virtually every song is blood vessel bursting hand clapping and their signature rhythm section manned by a pair of feet belonging to Tilly member Jamie Williams who tap dances like her legs have tourettes. Most people instantly fart out the response "like Lord of the Dance!" when I describe their unusual bipedal accompaniment but it sounds nothing like the mating sounds of leprechauns nor a passing fad of the late 90's. It all blends beautifully into one of the "most fun" events you will ever attend. The tap dancing Jamie, the O.C. worthy (in a good way) by-way-of-Omaha members of The Wall, the raging beauty of co-singer Neely Jenkins, it's all rock and rumble and rainbows!
On the Team Love label (owned by Bright Eyes alter ego Conor Oberst), Tilly has the backing of the extensive Omaha Saddle Creek family which of course makes me love them all the more, hot pants over Danskins and all!

1 comment:
Love the recap! My only disappointment with the show was that it wasn't longer!!
love you!
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